Luis M. Martin Abati
Graduate in Law, MDE Cefem/IESE, Postgraduate in General Management from the Instituto de Empresa (IE) and multiple specific courses in real estate and financial areas.
After starting out in the tourism sector (Grupo Viajes 2000, launching a global agency and tour operator based in the Balearic Islands) between 1985-1993, where he moved from the Commercial Management of the Wholesaler to the General Management of the Issuing Area (Retail), he has developed his career of almost 30 years in the field of Real Estate Promotion, acting in practically all areas of interest, from land development, urbanisation, promotion and construction of residential and single-family buildings, creation and commercialisation of products in all ranges, from luxury residential to social housing.
Specialised in the control of real estate development processes, project management, with special emphasis on control, financial and commercial areas.
Since 2015 president of the Association of Real Estate Developers of the Balearic Islands (Proinba), member of the National Association of Developers and Builders (APCE) and member of the working groups of CAEB and CEOE.
Habitual speaker at forums and participant in meetings with the main political and social actors in the sector.